Exploring the World of Gastronomy: Food Column in English

When it comes to discussing the culinary world in English, there are a plethora of terms and phrases that can be used to describe the diverse and delicious world of food. Whether you are writing a food column, a restaurant review, or simply sharing your love for cooking, having a good grasp of food-related vocabulary is essential. Let's delve into some key terms and expressions commonly used in the food industry:

  • Appetizer: A small dish served before the main course to stimulate the appetite.
  • Entrée: The main course of a meal.
  • Side dish: A smaller portion of food served alongside the main course.
  • Dessert: A sweet course served at the end of a meal.
  • Beverages: Drinks served with a meal, including water, wine, beer, and cocktails.
  • Grilling: Cooking food over direct heat, usually on a grill.
  • Roasting: Cooking food in an oven, usually with dry heat.
  • Sautéing: Cooking food quickly in a small amount of oil over high heat.
  • Steaming: Cooking food with steam from boiling water.
  • Baking: Cooking food in an oven using dry heat.
  • Sweet: Having a taste like sugar, not salty, sour, or bitter.
  • Savory: Having a pleasant, salty or spicy flavor.
  • Sour: Having a sharp, acidic taste.
  • Bitter: Having a sharp, pungent taste.
  • Spicy: Having a strong, hot flavor from spices.
  • Flavorful: Having a rich and pleasing taste.
  • Tender: Easy to cut or chew, not tough.
  • Crunchy: Crisp and firm in texture.
  • Well-balanced: Having a harmonious combination of flavors.
  • Overcooked: Cooked for too long, resulting in a dry or burnt taste.
  • Utensils: Forks, knives, and spoons used for eating.
  • Napkin: A cloth or paper for wiping the mouth and hands.
  • Tip: An extra amount of money given to the server for good service.
  • Reservation: An arrangement to have a table held at a restaurant for a specific time.
  • Chef's Special: A dish recommended by the chef for its exceptional quality.

By incorporating these terms and expressions into your food column in English, you can effectively communicate your passion for gastronomy and engage with a wider audience. Remember to be descriptive, creative, and authentic in your writing to truly capture the essence of the culinary world. Happy writing and bon appétit!


